

















1. Whitehead(怀特海)《教育的目的》
3. 吴金闪《概念地图教学和学习方法》

Designing principles of Learning How to Learn and Think


The ultimate objectives of this course are to help students learn how to learn and learn how to think, critically, independently and in terms of relations.

We believe in “Learning by Doing” and that when learning how to learn , one has to learn something, something nontrivial. Therefore, we propose to offer in this course two elements: (1) ideas and skills of meaningful learning and (2) learning domain-specific subject matters (such as physics, chemistry, life science, earth science, environmental science, linguistics, language, economics and social studies, pedagogy, education research).

Excessive descriptive knowledge of scientific concepts may become an obstacle that constrains students’ creative and critical thinking; however, meanwhile knowledge does serve as a foundation and sense of directions for creativity. So how to deal with these conflicting roles of knowledge? We believe that knowledge when understood deeply and truly, which often means seeing more connections, is less an obstacle and more a booster for creativity.

Another principle behind this course design is that we believe the goal of learning is not to gain as much knowledge as possible, but to gain an understanding of the underlying structure of a discipline, especially an understanding of the big picture and a deep love of the discipline. So the subject modules are selected topics in the field to present the basic ideas, basic questions, typical ways of thinking and basic approaches of analysis of the field. We intend to avoid excessive descriptive knowledge, but to focus instead on the conceptual core that helps students to grasp the big picture.

We also believe in the principle of “Teach Less, Learn More”. Thus we leave most of the learning to students, while instructors play the role of mentors or coaches, who guide and help students.

We also believe that students grow faster when facing challenges. Thus, in all subject matter modules there will be reading materials and homework questions coming from books and research papers which students will have to discover and read on their own. Some of those questions will be in the form of course projects, which may come from open questions in the field and may be highly non-trivial. We want students to understand how experts of the fields think and to become acquainted with their habits of mind. Some homework questions are designed in a way such that various solutions can be found. We encourage students to come up with innovative solutions. We believe that tackling homework questions creatively helps to foster creativity in real world problem solving.

Part of the course will have problem-solving sessions to improve students’ problem solving skills. For this reason, students will work in cooperative groups and alone, on the representation, analysis of the problem and on reducing complexity. Original and creative solutions will be encouraged. Creative solutions will have high value in the course. The ability to solve problems is an important skill learned by doing.

The overall course structure will be composed of several 18-hour modules: One module will focus on ideas and skills training, where the idea of meaningful learning and the technique of concept mapping will be introduced to students. Here examples should be close to students’ everyday life but still non-trivial, i.e. requiring some deep thinking to understand the topics. We should gradually collect those examples to form a toolbox for others to run this kind of training sessions to general audiences.

A number of additional modules will focus on domain-specific subject matter, such as physics, chemistry, life science, earth science, linguistics, language, economics and social studies. Ideally, instructors of those modules should be experts in the corresponding disciplines, who love the disciplines, know how to extract the core knowledge structure out of the disciplines and also are capable of sharing their feelings and the structures to the students.

In fact, we believe that all courses should be reconstructed to keep only the core parts of the knowledge structures sufficient to present the big picture of the disciplines. This principle of “Teach Less, Learn More” should be implemented not only in this course of Learning How to Learn and Think, but also to many other subject matter courses.

Teach students only the core parts, help the students understand them well and think independently, deeply, creatively and critically, and leave all other learnings to the students.

Finally, this is not an easy course. Student are expected to take the training module and at least one domain-specific module, to do a lot of reading, assignments, concept mapping activity in and after classes, and in-class discussion with instructors and among peer students. Students are also required to do course projects and present the project reports in classes. We estimate according to previous classes that on average students spend 60 in-class hours and 30 after-classes hours in the four weeks.

After this course, hopefully, students will acquire some ideas and skills on meaningful learning, a habit of thinking creatively, critically and independently, a big picture of the field of interest, deep love to the field of interest and some friends with alike minds.

We encourage you to choose this course, but with caution. Those, who are aiming for credits rather than the ideas and skills, please do not choose this course. Otherwise, you will suffer the whole course miserably.

Prerequisite: Knowledge wise, every module has its own requirement, but generally, it should be sufficient if students have the knowledge corresponding to the first year of university education of the discipline. Time wise, it is expected that students will be able to devote the 90 hours mentioned above. Attitude wise, which is most important, it is necessary that students have already the eager to go beyond rote learning.

1. Alfred North Whitehead, Aims of Education
2.Joseph D. Novak, Learning, Creating, and Using Knowledge: Concept Maps as Facilitative Tools in Schools and Corporations
3. Jinshan Wu, Teach Less, Learn More

2017年秋季《学会学习和思考》开课信息(2017 Fall course format, time, places)
“教的更少,学得更多”课程的设计要求(Structures of a TLLM course design)
《学会学习和思考之理解型学习理念和技能》设计(Course design of LHLT ideas and skills of meaningful learning)
《学会学习和思考之物理学》设计(Course design of LHLT physics module)
《学会学习和思考之教育学》设计(Course design of LHLT education module)
《学会学习和思考之科学和科学教育》设计(Course design of LHLT science and science education research module)
《学会学习和思考之教育和教育研究》设计(Course design of LHLT education and education research module)
《学会学习和思考之地球科学》设计(Course design of LHLT geology module)
《学会学习和思考之环境科学》设计(Course design of LHLT environmental science module)

《学会学习和思考之化学》设计(Course design of LHLT chemistry module)
《学会学习和思考之生命科学》设计(Course design of LHLT life science module)

“Teach Less, Learn More”课程设计举例:量子力学(Course design of Quantum Mechanics)

“Teach Less, Learn More”课程设计举例:系统科学导引(Course design of Invitation to System Science)